#kpigamification - BEC Project

BEC - "Business Empowerment Coaching" is a "done for you" coaching service with a holistic approach to make KPI Gamification a sure success for your company by enabling the right systems and thus empowering it to run on an Auto Pilot Mode.

KPI Gamification is not for everyone!
We look for three key elements before the sign up and they are  . . .

Visionary Leadership

The Entrepreneur must be a Visionary. A Business with a Purpose and a desire to create an impact in the marketplace.

Passion for Systematic Growth

Business that wants to scale up by using the right Systems that work. A system for everything and everything as per system.

Celebrate the Talents

Management that treat Employees as real Assets. Willing to celebrate the right talents through rewards and recognition.

Choose your Plan : The Hybrid vs The Mastery


3 Months


A Perfect Blend of In Person Visit during the Kick off and Virtual Meeting for Business Reviews

🚀 Pre Kick off Discussion with JV

🚀 2 Days for KPI Kick Off - Direct Visit (GFI Coach)
🚀 Day 1 - In Person Training & 121

🚀 Day 2 - KPI Game Card Creation

🚀 HR Policy + Magic Number Quick Synch during Day 1 & 2

🚀 First Review + Second Review -  Zoom

🚀 JV Visit for 1 Days (*Subj to Availability)

🚀 GFI Certified Coach Involved

🚀 Weekly KPI Implementation Tracking by Team

🚀 Total 4 Days (2 Days Direct Visit + 2 Zoom Reviews)

🚀 WA Group for Management Discussions

🚀 Business Analytics

🚀 Evergreen Dashboard

🚀 LIVE Project Tracking

🚀 Train N Coach for Employees

🚀 Handing Over Booklet

*Subject to Business Team Approval


3 Months


An Effective plan consists of only In Person Visits for both Kick Off and Business Reviews

🚀 Pre Kick off Discussion with JV

🚀 3 Days for KPI Kick Off - Direct Visit (GFI Coach)

 ðŸš€ Day 1 - In Person Training & 121

🚀 Day 2 - KPI Game Card Creation

🚀 Day 3 - Dedicated for HR Policy+Magic Number+Budget

🚀 First Review + Second Review - Direct Visit

🚀 JV Visit for 2 Day (Subj to Availability)

🚀 GFI Certified Coach Involved

🚀 Weekly KPI Implementation Tracking by Team

🚀 Total 5 Days (3 Days Kick Off Visit + 2 Review Visits)

🚀 WA Group for Management Discussions

 ðŸš€ Business Analytics  

🚀 Evergreen Dashboard  

🚀 LIVE Project Tracking  

🚀 Train N Coach for Employees  

🚀 Handing Over Booklet

*Subject to Business Team Approval

Frequently Asked Questions

GFI has a set of KPI Gamification trained and certified professionals. Whether the implementation done Virtually or In Person, all the key resources involved are highly qualified and experienced in what they do and are directly trained and coached by JV, the Founder of KPI Gamification!

KPI Gamification helps in Aligning goals and objectives , Measuring performance against targets of your employees ,Focusing resources on key areas , Promoting accountability and transparency within organisation, Driving continuous improvement , Facilitating communication and alignment within the team members , Benchmarking performance and identifying best practices.

We have implemented a weekly tracking system for employees' DKR (Daily KPI Report) reports. To streamline communication and collaboration, we use a dedicated WhatsApp group to update and share the data. This approach ensures timely and transparent updates, facilitating efficient monitoring of progress and fostering a collaborative work environment.

Irrespective of the plan you choose, there will be Pre Kick of Call - Strategy Zoom meeting with JV to prepare the Implementation Road Map for your Business.

The program is end to end executed in Person and Virtually by KPI Gamification Coaches and GFI Team. JV in person visit is extended as a value addition. This visit will be planned during KPI Creation or 1st Month Review or as a seperate slot to have a strategy discussion with respect to Magic number and more.

Well, if a plan is not effective, we will not be listing that here on our website :)
Each plan is effective in it's own way and comes with special features and results driven benefits. Ultimately it is what you want as a Business Owner. The only things that is needed the most is your 100% commitment in turning your business into a money making engine by setting up the right systems and the openness to change, adapt and work on the Growth Side of the Business. . .

We believe in 70% Systems and 30% Training so there is a bend of overall development and long term sustainability for what we do. While the KPI Gamification will set the long term systems, Train N Coach platform will help train the current talents to achieve immediate results by up skilling them. It also serves as a futuristic tool to achieve faster billability factor even as the team expands.

We can certainly share the success journey and procedures of how we implemented KPI Gamification for our clients. This can happen during your discussion with our KPI Gamification team over a Zoom call. We are looking forward to adding value to your and your team. . . 

This is Excellent!

Just exactly what I want for by Business